Turn Adobe XD, PSD, AI,
Sketch & Figma designs
to web and mobile code

Need to code Web, iOS, Android or React Native based interface? Open any design with avocode, export all assets without preparations, and click on layers to turn them to code.

Try now for free

Ship websites and mobile
apps 2x faster.

Upload any design file in your browser

Create a free account, start a project, choose device platform of what you're building and drag & drop any Sketch, Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, or Figma design.

Try Avocode for free

Export images in
the right resolution

Click on any layer or slice a piece of your design, scale it and export it as PNG or JPEG. You can even export vector shapes up to 4x or as an SVG.

Avocode supports: PNG | JPEG | SVG | WEBP

  • " Most of the CSS styles that come out of layers are very helpful. Tracking comments works well. "

    J. Hogue

    J. Hogue

    Director of Design & UX (Oomph)

  • " Compared to other options, Avocode offers more robust tool sets for navigating designs. Our devs can easily access all elements within design source files without forcing designers to prepare layers in Sketch. "

    Kevin Bell

    Kevin Bell

    UX Developer (Techmates Group)

  • " The best thing about Avocode is that it saves me a lot of time instead of creating a specification document for the dev team. "

    Assaf Arieli

    Assaf Arieli

    UX/UI Designer (CodeFuel)

Get CSS, iOS Swift,
and Android code

Switch between CSS (including Less, Sass, Stylus), Swift (for iOS), XML (for Android) or React Native.

You can customize the code output, hide and reorder its parts, and import your dev-stack variables.

Try Avocode for free

Code all measurements correctly

Get dimensions of any layer and its distances from other layers (or selections of more layers) - in px, pt (iOS), dp (Android), or percentages (%).

Handpick design colors in code

The colorpicker tool zooms in on individual pixels so you can just click and get RGBA, HSLA, HEX, UI color & HEX8 color codes into your clipboard.

Try Avocode for free

Got a question?

How does Avocode help designers build apps?

Design version tracking

Collaborate on Sketch source designs with other designers.

Rapid user flow prototyping in the browser

You can create clickable user flows from Sketch, Adobe XD, and Figma files in the browser and without design tools. Just upload a design file, create a user flow and share it with anyone.

Automated design handoff

With Avocode designers't don't have to prepare design files in any way - not even prepare assets. Developers can access all design layers, specs, and assets on their own.

One source of truth for design files

Avocode serves as a cloud storage and backup with version history for all your design files - regardless their format.

How to design & code a website with Avocode?

When you design your website using any design tool like Adobe XD, Sketch, Figma, Photoshop, or Illustrator, simply import the design to Avocode, go to the Inspect mode, export assets and copy code by selecting layers. We actually made a whole video course for you to learn how to code a website really quickly.

How does Avocode help with coding iOS apps in Swift?

Avocode generates Swift code from layer styles of Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, Photoshop, and Illustrator designs. Just click on any layer and copy code. There are many ways you can customize the code output, including adding your variables. You can also export image assets as PNG, JPEG, SVG, and WebP and measure element sizes and distances in pt (points).

How does Avocode help with coding Android apps?

Avocode generates Android code from layer styles of Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, Photoshop, and Illustrator designs. Just click on any layer and copy code. There are many ways you can customize the code output, including adding your variables. You can also export image assets as PNG, JPEG, SVG, and WebP and measure element sizes and distances in dpi (density-independent pixels).

How does Avocode help with React Native coding?

Avocode generates React Native, CSS in JS and Styled Components code from layer styles of Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, Photoshop, and Illustrator designs. Just click on any layer and copy code. There are many ways you can customize the code output, including adding your variables. You can also export image assets as PNG, JPEG, SVG, and WebP and measure element sizes and distances in pixels and percentages.

Does Avocode has something like the Framer store of Packages?

Avocode comes with a suite of integrations (Notion, Jira, Confluence, Dropbox, Slack, VS Code, Atom, Sketch, Figma, Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Medium and Niice). We also offer two free design UI kits (React Native UI kit and Guacamole UI kit for Sketch, PS, and XD). If you'd like to build things on top of our technology to parse and render design files, please check out this page.

However, at the moment, Avocode doesn't offer a marketplace of UI kits like the Framer Packages.

How is Avocode different from the Webflow app?

Webflow enables you to design websites without having to code. The code it provides is auto-generated. When you wish to turn an existing Sketch or Photoshop design to code via Webflow, you have to re-create the design in Webflow. You cannot import a PSD or Sketch and turn it to code.

Avocode is different. It's a design collaboration tool that can turn layers from Sketch, Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Figma design files to code styles in CSS, Swift, Android, and React Native and prepare all image assets for export. Avocode is great to speed up coding of custom web and mobile projects. It does not create the HTML structure and JavaScript logic.

Should UI designers know how to code?

UI design is complex enough to be a separate field outside of code. However, design and code are nowadays inevitably connected. A lot of design tools are adding elements and functions that were known in code for a long time - like smart components, constraints, or animation states. Therefore, designers don't necessarily need to know to code, but it helps them to be better designers if they understand code mechanics and possibilities.

If you're a designer and you're worried about how to prepare your UI designs for coders so they could work with them well, Avocode is exactly what you need. With Avocode, you no longer have to prepare specs or assets - developers can export everything on their own.