
What Does The Bronx Zoo Do With The Animals In The Winter


What practise the animals at the Bronx zoo do in the winter?

- asks Sean from New York City

June 4, 2007

A siberian tiger in the snow. [CREDIT: CINDY HAGGERTY]

A siberian tiger in the snow. [CREDIT: CINDY HAGGERTY]

On a New York City mean solar day in mid-July, when children are popping swollen blisters of pavement tar between their toes and panting terriers let their leashes go slack, the giraffes in the Bronx Zoo might just believe they're back on their native continent. Inevitably, the first nor'easter of the winter sprinkles the beasts with a fresh white coat of frigid reality.

Equally it is at most zoos, the animals on exhibit in the Bronx are total-time residents. Many of them, including giraffes and gelada baboons, are as sensitive to extreme cold as we are and must take protection throughout the wintertime.

The park holds species from every climate, and their treatment during the winter "depends on the natural history of the animal," says Jose Vasquez, an animal handler at the Bronx Zoo.

Animals that are non so suited to the common cold retreat to the aforementioned places they become for shade or to sleep during the summer – all-encompassing quarters beyond the public middle where the animals can fill up their bellies or laze. Such is the example with the giraffe. When the conditions becomes too severe, staff in the Bronx merely bring them back into these private rooms and plough on the heaters.

For at least one beast, everything must be just and then. The mole rat looks like a wrinkly sac of teeth and organs, but he is the Little Lord Fauntleroy of the zoo. Staff must maintain the temperature of these cages within five degrees of the mole rat'south comfort zone, lest the colonies endure. "We take tons of heating systems for their colonies," says Hope Pinckney, a keeper at the Bronx Zoo.

In the tropical rainforest, a fully enclosed exhibit, tree kangaroos and Malayan tapirs enjoy modulated temperatures yr round. But the colder months all the same telephone call for special preparations.

The jungle plants that nourish these animals thrive under filtered summer sunlight, just they remain without foliage in the winter. To go on the animals from starving in these months, zookeepers harvest foliage from the exhibit during the fall, and then bag and freeze it. Wintertime for the gibbon and leaf monkey pretty much means a couple months of frozen dinners.

The Siberian tigers, on the other hand, about likely belittle at what we phone call winter. They tin take very cold temperatures of up to negative thirty degrees Fahrenheit, explains Alison Werner, a tiger trainer at the Bronx Zoo.

To assistance ensure that they stay outside, and in society to integrate animal care with the public feel, the Bronx Zoo provides heated rocks for the tigers to lie against, which encourages them to stay sprawled exterior, ever in sight.

With the winter months comes more than just making sure the animals at the Bronx Zoo are living in the appropriate temperature. Law requires that zoos proceed their animals happy and active with enriched environments year round, and the zoo in the upper borough works difficult to ensure this happens.

For large African animals like giraffes, which are accustomed to beingness inside only during the dark, two months can be a long fourth dimension to go without stretching your neck. To make the months more bearable, animal handlers not but exercise them more oft, but also provide different interactions to go on them occupied and interested. It can be a ball to play with, or a hollow object with food in the eye that the animal has to manipulate to go out.

Still, no matter how much attention they receive in their heated hideouts, the leap thaw must come equally a relief to all of the African species living in the Bronx. Pinckney, who was there this twelvemonth when the giraffes finally strode back into the dominicus, agreed, saying, "you can tell that they like it."


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